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from Left to Right - Kai, Sehun, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, D.O., Suho, Lay, Luhan, Tao, Chen, Xiumin |
Greetings, people!
Welcome back to this amazing blog, and here I am, patiently waiting for you, my readers (?)
It's been a few days after my last post, do you miss me? Ok no.
Okay people, now I wanna share a story about one of the best day of my life. But before we move to the story, I hope you already saw the picture above and remember their names, because you'll probably get confused if you find those 11 names in the story later :))
Should we start now? Are you ready, guys? Because my fangirling mode will turned on, NOW.
I think you already knew that imma big fan of EXO. And as you can see, all those handsome aliens above are my beloved boyfriends (?) Why did I call them aliens? Because, just like their group's name, they came from EXO Planet. You want to know their history? Why did they came to earth? Here it is.
"When the skies and the grounds were one of legends, through their twelve forces, nurtured the tree of life. An eye of red force created the evil which covered the heart of the tree of life and the heart slowly grew dry. To attempt to keep alive the heart of the tree of life the legends hereby divided the tree in half and hid each side, hence times is overturned and space turns askew. The twelve forces divided into two and created two suns that look alike into two worlds that seem alike. The legends traveled apart. The legends shall now see the same sky but must stand on different grounds. They shall stand on the same ground but shall see different skies. The day the grounds be kept a single file before one sky in two words that seem alike, the legends will meet greet each other. The day the red forces purify and the twelve forces will reunite into one perfect root. A new world shall open up."
Yes, you read that correctly. TWELVE FORCES. You'll probably asking yourself, "Why twelve while there's just 11 men in the photo?" WELL YES THERE'S ACTUALLY 12 OF THEM BUT ONE OF THOSE HANDSOME CREATURES DECIDED TO LEAVE THE GROUP ON MAY 2014, AND NOW IT'S JUST 11 OF THEM. JUST LET ME CRY. ok no.
Oh and to be honest, they're actually a human. Those history above was just a short narration from their music video, MAMA. Hehehe I'm sorry, let's start the story.
Saturday, September 6th 2014 was definitely one of the best day of my life! Why? Because EXO was coming to Indonesia for their first world tour concert AND I WAS SO LUCKY THAT I CAN WATCH THEM WITH MY OWN EYES!! Can you imagine?! You'll see your idol with your own eyes, not from your laptop's screen. It was just . . . woah. I can't find a word to describe my feeling that time. I WAS INCREDIBLY HAPPY.
I went to Jakarta at 01.00 PM and arrived at 04.00 PM. It was such a long journey and I was getting nervous from time to time. The thought of meeting Baekhyun and the other was so overwhelming. I couldn't stop squealing and smiling. It was like a dream come true.
When I finally arrived at Lapangan D Senayan, I immediately went to the ticket box to get my ticket. It was taking a long time, I don't know why. My ticket seemed nowhere to be found, because the worker was taking a long time just to find my ticket. It made me worried, so many thought about not being able to see them haunted me. I kept playing with my hand to shoved the bad feelings away. After about 30 minutes later, I finally got my ticket! I was so relieved. With a new power, I went to the official merchandise stand. Unfortunately, from all those merchandises they actually sell, it was only lightstick left. So, I just bought that. Wanna see?
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Tickets and Lightstick |
After that, I was standing in a line to enter the venue. The line was so long, and we supposed to walked slowly while raised our ticket. Our ticket was checked for about 4 times, such a strict security, right? On the way inside, there was a fan project that given out a flag and a fan for all of us. And finally, I arrived at my section. The first thing I saw was the stage. And the first thing that appeared in my mind was "OH MY GOD, WHAT A BIG STAGE" because, seriously! The stage was very huge and amazing!!
Everyone was screaming, like me. We were so excited. The concert was opened with a video, about EXO and their superpower ((Which was exist only in their music video of course)). And yeah, it was so noisy. But it was so . . . asdfghjkl ((I don't know what to say)). And after that, it was their debut song, MAMA. That time, I wasn't able to see anything, even the big screen besides the stage. All I saw was just head and head. WHY AM I SO SHORT?! I was so close to crying. I keep asking my self "Are they even real? Because they are nowhere to be seen!". It was so hurt. I went from Bandung to Jakarta and all I saw was just their face on the screen. "It feels like watching them from my laptop's screen. So what am I doing here?" is all I thought.
And suddenly . . . when I was already pessimistic. Someone walked pass me. Someone walked pass me. And it was Chanyeol. YES OMG IT WAS CHANYEOL. IT WAS THE REAL CHANYEOL. RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. I'm too speechless. I just stood there with wide eyes, not being able to say something. And when my senses was back, I was screamed. So loud. Like my life depends on it. Ok no I was just exagerrating :))
But I'm serious!! After Chanyeol walked pass me, the other joined. Soon, it was Xiumin, and then Kai, Suho, Lay, and the other. And when Baekhyun walked pass me, I felt like I was going to faint. Hoho okay I'm exagerrating. But, the only thing passed my mind that time was "OH MY DEAR GOD THEY ARE INCREDIBLY HANDSOME". They are much more handsome in real life.
Something that made me almost forgot how to breath was when they were making an eye contact with me. YEAH EYE CONTACT GUYS, DO YOU KNOW HOW LUCKY I WAS? They were smiling from time to time, even though they were so tired. But what touched my heart was they were trying hard to cover their fatigue just for us, their fans. They smiled widely to informed us that they were okay, that they were not tired at all, and it was somehow hurt. They worked so hard. And we can do nothing to lessen their pressures. So we can just promised to our self to always be there for them, to never left them, no matter whatever happened. Because they just need a true fan to accompany them in their already difficult life.
I think we're getting out of topic? Should we go back? Hehehe sorry guuuyss >.<
The concert was ended at 09.00 PM. Everyone was so satisfied with the concert. But there were some things that annoyed me. First, there were TRASH everywhere! So many until it felt like a landfill. Second, the place where all the fans stood was just made of triplex! I think it was so dangerous. All of us jumped all the time. I couldn't even imagine what would happened if the triplex broke. And there's some other things but I think I must end this post now before it's getting too long ._.
So, yeah, it was one of my unforgettable moment. WATCHED EXO FROM. EXO PLANET #1 THE LOST PLANET IN JAKARTA CONCERT :)) This is my story, tell me your story ;)) (?)
So guys, finally, this is the end of the post ((Sorry for grammar mistakes, typos, and keep getting out of topic. I'm only humaaan~)). SEE YOU ON MY NEXT POST GUYS!!
/bows with EXO/ /teleports to Pluto/