Tuesday, September 8, 2015

What is PEACE?

According to Wikipedia, PEACE is a period of harmony between different social groups that is characterized by lack of violence or conflict behaviors, and the freedom from fear of violence. Shortly, peace is a state where there is no conflict or disturbance.

I'm sure that every country wants peace. Everyone wants peace. Imagine yourself living without problems and all. It must be a really good life. But ego, hate, etc. prevents us to feel what peace is. There will always be some people who think that they're better than others. That they're deserve better than others. That they need to be specialized. Peace is actually not impossible to be reached. But it's hard.

There's actually so many opinions about peace. Some of opinions are based on religion. Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, etc all have their own opinions, but in fact essentially the same. I will take so example.

Al-Qur'an 48 :4

The quotes above is taken from Islam's holy book, Al-Qur'an. From that quotes, we can conclude that peace is given by God. And
we can also conclude that everyone is born with 'peace'. So we actually can have peace if we want to because we have it in ourselves.

Statements about peace is not only expressed by each religions, but also people. Some famous people we probably knew also said their opinions aloud. One of them is Albert Einstein.

What I got from the quotes above is that we can not force peace. There is no peace by force. We have to understand each other, to trust each other to find peace. Like, can you have peace with someone if you don't understand him/her at all? No. All you'd got is only bickering and conflict and etc. Not peace. So if you want to achieve peace, you have to understand. Understand you surrounding.

So that was our little chit chat about peace. Its okay if you have different way of thinking. That makes you you :) We just need to understand each other to get a sense of peace among us ((Aawww isn't it cheesy?))

Okay guys that's all. I'm actually in the mood for writing but I don't know what to write :(
But that's okay. I'll see you next time!



What do you have in mind when you heard the word 'LEADER'?
Leader is 'someone who leads'? Okay we could think of it that way. But actually, a leader is someone who guide, who taught, who push, who inspire, and some other 'who'. And its not that easy to be a good leader.

First, you have to have a Commitment.
A leader need to lead by example. You have to give motivation to your team by showing them that the hard work is done by every level, to prove your commitment. With that you'll not only gain respect from your team, but also trust.

Second, its Honesty.
A team is a reflection of its leader. So if the leader put honesty as the basis of his/her action, the team will follow suit.

Third, Communication.
Being able to explain clearly about your vission is important. If you can't explain your vission to the team, you won't be able to work towards the same goal. And with that, the goal would never be reached. So in this case, communication is very important.

Lastly, you have to be Confident and have a Positive Mind.
As the leader, by staying confident and keep thinking positive, you will help the team to feel the same. And you will also help to build up their motivation. What will happen if the leader is unconfident and always so negative? Simple. The team will also feel the same, and the goal would never be reached. So, in order to reach the goal and to motivate the team, a leader must always be confident and positive thinking.

That was all I think is needed to become a good leader. And its not that easy, don't you think? After you have all that points above, you'll get the respect and trust from your team. Your team will rely on you because you're the leader. You're the one who lead them to the success. So do you have all the things needed to be a good leader?

Wow what a serious talking we did. And I think I should end it seriously also.
So guys, see you next time :)
((I call it serious ok. No comment.))